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01.07.2024 · 19:00

Dogtrekking - Beskydský puchýř 2024

In June 2024, I had the incredible opportunity to participate in my very first dogtrekking race alongside my beloved Saluki, Cristine Deluca Moravia. Dogtrekking is a long-distance endurance sport…

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24.12.2021 · 08:00

PF 2022

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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24.12.2020 · 11:00

PF 2021

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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Dog Show & Club Show Moscow, RUS 24.1.2014

Brian Deluca Moravia
Result: Puppy class – Very promising
Judge: ?


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National Dog Show Brno, CZ 5.1.2014

Bosley Deluca Moravia
Result: Puppy class – Very promising
Judge: Veronika Kučerová


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PF 2014

Deluca Moravia wishes a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our friends and visitors to our pages. May all your wishes come true in 2014!

Chovatelská stanice Deluca Moravia přeje veselé vánoce a šťastný nový rok všem svým přátelům a návštěvníkům stránek. Ať se vám splní všechna vaše přání v roce 2014.


National CAC Dog Show Smolensk, RUS 8.12.2013

Brian Deluca Moravia
Result: Puppy class – Best Baby 1
Judge: Yana Gavrilova (RUS)


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Puppies in their new homes

New photos of Beatriz, Brian, Bosley, Beverly and Barney in their new homes.


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R.I.P. Barker

We lost our lovely puppy Barker Deluca Moravia in a car accident at the age of 4 months. He passed away on October 18, 2013.

We will miss you! Rest in Peace!

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Bono passed away (R.I.P.)

Our beloved puppy Bono Deluca Moravia tragically passed away on October 8, 2013, before he could find his new owner. He was only 3 months old.

We will miss you! Rest in Peace!

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Saluki puppies - 3 months / Štěňátka - 3 měsíce

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For more information and photos see the Puppies section.
Pro více informací a fotek navštivte sekci Puppies.

Saluki puppies - 12 weeks / Štěňátka - 12 týdnů

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For more information and photos see the Puppies section.
Pro více informací a fotek navštivte sekci Puppies.

Saluki puppies - 11 weeks / Štěňátka - 11 týdnů

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For more information and photos see the Puppies section.
Pro více informací a fotek navštivte sekci Puppies.

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