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01.07.2024 · 19:00

Dogtrekking - Beskydský puchýř 2024

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MVP České Budějovice 21.4.2007

Result: Young class – Excellent 2
Judge: Vladimír Panuška

We were excited about this show because we were going to meet Kate’s breeder and her siblings. We were better prepared than we were in Ostrava, and Kate did quite well, both running and standing. However, her sister Cuba Libre took first place, but it was a close competition.

In the group photo – from the right: Kate, the black-colored Black Beauty de Darjeeling, her brother Corleone, and the light-colored Cuba Libre.

Na tuto výstavu jsme se těšili, protože jsme se tam setkali s chovatelkou Kate a jejími sourozenci. Taky jsme byli lépe připraveni než v Ostravě, Kate celkem pěkně běhala i stála. Prvenství si odnesla o fous její sestra Cuba Libre.

Na skupinovém fotu – zprava Kate, černí Black Beauty de Darjeeling a její bratr Corleone a světlá Cuba Libre.

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