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01.07.2024 · 19:00

Dogtrekking - Beskydský puchýř 2024

In June 2024, I had the incredible opportunity to participate in my very first dogtrekking race alongside my beloved Saluki, Cristine Deluca Moravia. Dogtrekking is a long-distance endurance sport…

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24.12.2021 · 08:00

PF 2022

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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24.12.2020 · 11:00

PF 2021

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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Saluki puppies were born! - Máme štěňátka!

We finally have puppies! Yesterday (June 21, 2013), our B litter was born, consisting of 3 females and 5 males, all in cream and gold colors. Juli and all the puppies are doing well.

Máme štěňátka! Včera (21.6.2013) se narodil vrh B, 3 fenky a 5 pejsků. Všichni jsou v barvě krémová a zlatá. Juli a štěňátkům se daří dobře.

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A big thank you to the Italian owners and breeders Liz and Anders Persson for making this litter possible, to Juli's breeder Tatiana Karaulova for her support, and finally to my husband David for traveling with me on this long journey.