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01.07.2024 · 19:00

Dogtrekking - Beskydský puchýř 2024

In June 2024, I had the incredible opportunity to participate in my very first dogtrekking race alongside my beloved Saluki, Cristine Deluca Moravia. Dogtrekking is a long-distance endurance sport…

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24.12.2021 · 08:00

PF 2022

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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24.12.2020 · 11:00

PF 2021

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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Bellis Rinocerus

Bellis Rinocerus
  • Born: *26.05.2019
  • Sire: Gold'N Copper Desperado
  • Dam: Arabesca Rinocerus
  • Breeder: Danuta Łubkowska-Szóstak (PLN)
  • Owner: Lucie Pilařová (CZE) web


S: Gold'N Copper Desperado Gold'n Copper 't Miner
S: Gold'n Copper 't Miner
S: Star'T Cutting Trax of Jhanzi S: Aviva T' Cutting Edge
D: Lali Thuk Star of Jhanzi
D: Oprah Gandamak S: Aviva Coeur A Coeur
D: Jennies Joplin Gandamak
Shou Gerat Going To Gold'n Copper
D: Shou Gerat Going To Gold'n Copper
S: Aviva Coeur A Coeur S: Seistan's Heart T'Beat
D: Aviva Change Of Heart
D: Polo's Formula One At Shougerat S: Gengala Super Trooper
D: Polo's I Did It MyWay
Arabesca Rinocerus
D: Arabesca Rinocerus
Star'T Cutting Trax of Jhanzi
S: Star'T Cutting Trax of Jhanzi
S: Aviva T' Cutting Edge S: Seistan's Heart T'Beat
D: Aviva Venezia
D: Lali Thuk Star of Jhanzi S: Kingsleah Blue Star
D: Summer Skies of Jhanzi
Junona Revolticus
D: Junona Revolticus
S: Kwazar Bursztynowe Domino S: Pahlavi Ferrari
D: Golden Gew Gew Complement
D: Humoreska Revolticus S: Allicat Qamari Image Of A Rainbow
D: Fantazja Revolticus